It's a new function for whatsapp original, and it lets you use the app even when you don't have Internet access.



The company known as "WhatsApp," which is owned by the company known as "Meta," made it possible for the application to be used through "proxy servers." Proxy servers are the intermediate gates between users and web servers that allow them to connect to the Internet. "WhatsApp" is the name of the company that owns "Meta."

And users of "whatsapp original" all over the globe may access the program settings to input the name of the proxy server, then use it to access the Internet by going via those settings.

When regular servers and communication channels are inaccessible or down for maintenance, proxy servers step in to provide users with an alternate means of connecting to the Internet.

If whatsapp original users are permitted to connect to these proxy servers, it will be easier for them to connect even if they cannot access the internet.

According to a report published in the British daily "Daily Mail," "WhatsApp" published a new entry on its company blog in which it stated: "Our objective in 2023 is that there will be no disruptions to the Internet at all."

How is the service subscribed to and activated whatsapp keyboard?

1- To begin, users need to go to "Settings" or Settings.

2- To change the selection and input the proxy server address, click on "Proxy Settings" after selecting either "Storage and Data" or "Storage and Date."

3- Once the user's identity has been validated, the application will next establish the required connection between the user and the website or service that the user wishes to access.

4- The website is a resource that may be accessed via the program to get further information on the service.

According to WhatsApp, a large number of proxy servers have been put up all around the globe by volunteers and organizations in order to enable people to connect freely with one another.

Even with proxy servers, whatsapp original conversations will still be secured by the "end-to-end encryption" security standard. This means that messages are encrypted on your device and can only be decoded on the device of the person you are communicating with.

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