What "rare earths" are made of and why they are significant for technology:
Rare earths are a category of chemical elements that may be found on the periodic table. These elements are distinguished by the fact that they possess unusual physical and chemical characteristics. In spite of their name, they are neither earth nor rare; rather, they got their name from the fact that they were first discovered among minerals that were uncommon and difficult to extract.
This category contains a total of 17 different elements, such as scandium and yttrium in addition to the 15 lanthanide elements. Rare earths are essential to a broad range of modern uses, including electronics, renewable energy, military, and medicine, despite the fact that they are only found in minute quantities in the crust of the earth.
The vast majority of rare earths are very reactive and are readily oxidized, which makes it challenging to extract and treat them. In addition, the manufacturing methods are costly and need for a high level of specialized technical expertise. Even though there are resources in other regions of the globe, the vast majority of rare earths are mined in China. These other parts of the world include the United States, Australia, Russia, Canada, and Brazil.
Rare earths have several uses in the technical world. Some of these applications include lasers, LED lights, catalysts, and emission filters. Other applications include permanent magnets used in electric motors. In addition, they are used in the production of ceramics, glasses, and other metal alloys.
Rare earths, because of their strategic value, have become a contentious issue in international politics and a source of worry for many nations. The fact that China is so dependent on the production of rare earth elements has led to a rise in exploration and production in other nations, as well as an increasing interest in the recovery and recycling of these elements.
What is the element yttrium?
Because of its many useful properties, the element yttrium may be found in a diverse range of technical applications. It is mostly used in the production of metal alloys, where it helps to increase the material's resistance to corrosion as well as its level of tenacity. This is one of its primary uses. It is also used in the production of stainless steels and other metals, such as titanium, where it plays the role of an alloying agent.
One further use for yttrium is in the production of solid-state lasers, which is also one of its uses. Yttrium has an excited state with a high energy level, which makes it an excellent material for the production of laser light. Because of this property, yttrium is an excellent choice for use in medical procedures such as tattoo removal and eye surgery.