What is Fadik Podcast and how do you benefit from it?

A podcast is an application or program that specializes in broadcasting audio, as it is more like a radio broadcasting recorded episodes. But it differs from traditional radio stations in that it is an application on your mobile phone. It is also under your control. You are the one who determines what you hear at the time you want to listen to it.

A podcast is a series of audio-recorded episodes available online, which you can usually access through the podcast publisher's website and mobile apps.

The podcast was released in 2004, supported by Apple, and began issuing its applications and programs.

And that is through its program I tunes. Which gave it greater credibility and wide spread, so that an American statistic appeared recently that monitored that about 40% of American citizens use the podcast application.

Also, they listen to the episodes they want to listen to through it, and most of them are over 12 years old. It is noteworthy that a large number of entrepreneurs, writers and thinkers are keen on their work. And this is by publishing recorded episodes of them via podcasts for free, and millions of Americans are keen to listen to these episodes.

The name podcast is derived from the abbreviation of iPod and cast, meaning broadcast.

How did the podcast idea arise and how do I benefit from it?

Podcasts began with the iPod's inception in 2007, and it's a relatively recent medium for communicating information. But this industry is growing so much that you can hardly find an entrepreneur or an intellectual in the United States of America.

This is because in the United States of America, according to a statistic, 40% of citizens over 12 years old have listened to podcasts (that is, more than 100 million citizens).

Almost a quarter of people listen to podcasts every month. And it is still increasing.

How to use the podcast and how to benefit from it

You can use podcasts by downloading a free application on your phone through iTunes and through the programs available for the application on your phone. You can download the application, choose and download the recorded episodes that you want to listen to, and you can also make your own recordings through this application and put them up for broadcast. Do not worry, the application It is free, and among the most popular applications through which you can download podcasts are:
A podcasts app for iPod, iPad, or iPhone users.
As for Android users, the best application that they can download podcasts from is addict podcast
There are many other applications that can be used to download it, but these two are the best.
The podcast application has many advantages, so you can learn a lot through it, and you can introduce yourself and express yourself through it, and benefit from what others offer of recorded episodes in different fields. The podcast is also characterized by:

Ease of use, you can put headphones on your phone and listen to it at any time and under any circumstances while you are driving your cars while you are stuck in traffic while you are waiting for your doctor's appointment while you are bored in one of the classrooms.
Podcast gives you the advantage of controlling its use whenever you want and choosing the content you want, unlike traditional radio and TV programs
As traditional means dictate to you what you should hear and at the time you specify, and you may miss some episodes that you want to listen to.
You may even have to listen to programs whose content you hate, but by using podcasts, you can control your choices and the time you want to listen to these choices.
Also, you do not need the Internet to be able to listen to the recorded episodes via the podcast, as it is a program that allows you to use it off line. All you have to do is download the episodes that you want and then listen to them at the time you want without the need to be connected to the Internet like most other phone applications.
The podcast helps you to take advantage of your time, which may be wasted in public transportation, while walking, or in other things in which you do nothing but silence or wait. In this time, instead of wasting it in vain, you can benefit from it and listen to your favorite episodes through the podcast or learn something. new through.
Finally: You will not have to search all the time for new episodes that you want to listen to from the series of episodes that you follow
Rather, you will receive all new updates on your phone firsthand, so that you can enjoy your favorite episodes, and you will not miss a thing, once you download the application and choose the episodes that you want to hear.
What is a podcast and how do I benefit from it?
Podcasting is one of the most popular online programs today. It is expected to spread more in the coming period.
It is similar to various social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the famous YouTube video site and other sites.
You can use podcasts in many things, and of course, one of the most important things that you can use podcasts in is to listen to the dialogue of another person who lived an experience like your personal and practical experience.
Also, it is possible to learn from him some things that may really help you in making important and decisive decisions in your practical, professional and personal life.
As it is well known, the trend towards the Internet and electronic networks has become present in this era, because the era has become all electronic.
And literally everything is in your hands on your mobile phone. Restaurant, doctor, teacher, concert, parking lot, clothing store, bank, university, everything is in your hands.
It is also natural that drug education and education are the others electronically through social networking sites. And websites such as Fadik website.
Fadik website, which is one of the very important sites, which is concerned with the work of programs that contribute effectively to the development of the pharmacist and raise his entity and his scientific and practical level.
There are also various social networking sites that you can benefit from scientifically and practically.. But it is important to choose the source whose information you trust, whether through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Do you now know what a podcast is and how can I benefit from it?
Podcasts may not be as popular in the Arab world as they are in the United States.
But it is spreading among the Arabs slowly but at a steady pace, and it is loved by its pioneers, which is expected to spread further in the next few years.
All this has opened a new door to information and e-education in a broader way.
So be aware of it from now on and be the first to use it to develop yourself and learn every day what is new and effective.
How can you follow the Fadik podcast episodes?
You can follow all the stories of FADIC Podcast through the Podcast application on iTunes .. by downloading the Podcast application from this link
Also follow the Fadik podcast through the Fadik channel on SoundCloud through this link
There is also a follow-up to all episodes through the FADIC.net website

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